Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Being egoistic is a serious crime

Skating day. & I think i hurt my neck.
Attempted drop-in twice today after much and long hesitation but both attempts F.A.I.L.E.D.
&&& the worst thing is,i landed on my butt and its hurts now. Tsktsktsk.
&&&&& i dont even know how on earth did i hurt my neck.
K,im so gonna succeed in dropping in next time. At least try to uhhhhhhh.
Met Peishan,Shandy & Sherlyn at bugis after that. Dinnered,walk around then home sweet home.
K,im damnnnnn scared now. Cause si renee,go discover some kinda of ghost in our hair-standing freaky bbq incident picture.
I alr forgotten bout that incident,now im reminded of it again and i've to forget everything again.
URGHZ. Thanks hur,renee. HAHAH.
K,im off to figure out now why had i hurt my neck.
Goodnight :D

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