Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This scene repeated itself twice.

Is the flu epidemic back in town? The people around me are like all catching da flu. How awful.
Im still wondering who da hell passed it on to me! Feeling.damn.terrible >:(
Its like you want to sneeze then cannot sneeze out. Wa,sucks big time seriously.
Anyhoooos,i just came back from training. The weather sucks,my mucus keep wanting to flow out and im like literally out of breath!!!!!! Damn all this,ALOT. Not forgetting the fact that im still having training tmr.
Shall.stop.complaining. & pray hard that my flu will get better by cny!!!
Having bio test tomorrow. Damn turn off please.
Okay,gonna practice my chords later if i still have the energy to do so.
So till then....... BAIBAI

Check out my nerdy socks.
My ah nerd gang yo! :D

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