Saturday, August 8, 2009

You know what you want,but how long can you wait

Happy and Retarded as a clique ^.^
My friday was spent by having teeewtion as usual firsty,then ion with my aunt to get my prezzie.
Dhoby Ghaut to meet the girls afterwards.

Im actually trying to do this Z__Z
We're srsly in love with the fake twilight thang.
Me and tina=enthu kiddz
Shandy has alluring pits. Hehez

I swear this is candid.
But why isit always me :"(

Pictures during interhouse:
Wo.oW,cool nerd style~~

Meeps,nerd uniteZ
Tomo is national day and nghuishan's bday!!!!!
We're gna have lotsa fun right. Let's go~~~~
I didnt study at all for this whole week,have been a 101% slackerzzz.
This gotta stop,i have contracted the lazy bug eeewwww.
Have a happy HND!!!!!!

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